My parents showed me the importance of looking out for one another, and that not all of us have the same opportunities. It’s why I became a foster carer. It’s why I’m an active volunteer, and it’s why I put my hand up to be your Member of Parliament
Nadia was elected as the Member for Elder in the South Australian Parliament at the 2022 State Election
She currently also serves as the Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention and is a member of the Economic and Finance Committee and the Public Works Committee
To learn more about Nadia’s work as the Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention, please visit https://www.preventivehealth.sa.gov.au/suicideprevention/suicide-prevention-council/suicide-prevention-council-members
What’s Nadia up to?
To stay up to date with Nadia’s work out and about in our community and in the State Parliament, check out her social media