I was born at Flinders Medical Centre in 1986 to my parents Rosemary and Tony. Mum and Dad raised me, my two older brothers and my sister to be proud of, and part of, our community - you might have seen the murul my Dad volunteered to paint in the hospital’s Emergency Department Radiography Room!
My schooling started at Paringa Park Primary, I then attended Brighton Secondary before completing my degree at UniSA. I know I was fortunate to have a quality education, and I want every child to have the same. The quality of our schools and education system is the key to our community and state’s future.
Growing up, I loved sport, music and dancing. I have fond memories of playing netball across the southern suburbs. Being part of our community is a big part of who I am. Those of you who give your time to our community groups and sporting clubs make our local area as great as it is - thank you!
I know we can do better. Our community deserves quality, vibrant, accessible public spaces and sporting facilities.
I am forever grateful to the Repat staff who showed incredible care and respect to a loved one in their last weeks of life. I know how important quality and local health care is, and I will always work to protect it. My work with Headspace (the National Youth Mental Foundation), the Fred Hollows Foundation, and as an advisor to the Federal Minister for Mental Health and Ageing has given me experience in areas so important to our community.
By opening up our home to people of varying income, cultures, abilities and circumstances, my parents showed me the importance of looking out for one another, and that not all of us have the same opportunities. It’s why I became a foster carer. It’s why I’m an active volunteer, and it’s why I put my hand up to be your Member of Parliament.
It’s been an honour and a privilege to represent our community in State Parliament. I promise to always listen to you, and fight for our community every day.
Watch my first speech to Parliament to learn a little bit more about me and my story