City of Mitcham Active Citizen of the Year - Jody Moate

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Ms CLANCY (Elder) (15:46): I just want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to one incredible member of our community. There are many, but on this occasion I want to speak about Jody Moate. I first met Jody a few years ago when she was part of the Friends of Springbank Secondary campaign to save the school. She was such an incredible leader. Since then, I have come across all these other things that she does that connect people and improve our community. She has the gorgeous little library on Lloyd Street, which is a lovely gathering place for people and a spot where people trade books but also herbs, and she makes dog biscuits.

She also was integral to the community campaign to turn an old Sea Scout's hall in Pasadena into a community centre, which I was really proud to commit funding to for the last election. We have seen that funding delivered. She has continued to play such an important part of that community centre. She also started the Pasadena and St Marys Action Group.

It was really, really exciting on 25 January to see all of her efforts recognised when the City of Mitcham named her Active Citizen of the year. I know Jody would be a bit mortified that I am doing this, but I think it is really important to pay tribute to somebody who works so hard and is such an important part of our community and who continues to bring us together and make us stronger and look out for one another.


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