Community grants available to tackle suicide

Community groups and non-government organisations can now apply for a share of $180,000 to support community wellbeing and prevent suicide.

The South Australian Suicide Prevention Community Grants (the Grants) focus on supporting communities across South Australia to take positive action to promote inclusion and reduce stigma and suicide risk.

Grants of up to $10,000 are available for a broad range of grassroots, community-led initiatives that directly and clearly benefit local communities and strengthen the mental wellbeing and resilience of local people and places.

The Grants, which have been running since 2014, aim to provide opportunities for communities to increase awareness and understanding, identify and respond to local issues or priorities, and build community compassion, capacity and connection.

The Grants will complement existing suicide prevention initiatives across the state, including the 45 Suicide Prevention Networks which Wellbeing SA supports.

Applications are now open until Friday 6 January 2023, with the successful applicants to be announced in February 2023.

Applications will be assessed by Wellbeing SA based on the eligibility criteria, with the Grants not designed to support existing programs or services, or for service delivery to individuals.

For more information, including the eligibility criteria, visit

Quotes attributable to Health and Wellbeing Minister Chris Picton

Many South Australians have been affected by suicide in some way, and every suicide has a deep and enduring impact on families, friends and communities.

These Grants will help non-government organisations and community groups to deliver important localised suicide prevention projects across the state, which in the past have played an important part in helping to prevent suicide.

Our government is proud to be the first Australian jurisdiction to provide a legislative mechanism to reduce suicide in South Australia through the Suicide Prevention Act 2021, which started on 5 September 2022.

A key element of the Act is the establishment of the Suicide Prevention Council which I am pleased has now been appointed and is working towards suicide prevention and postvention initiatives in South Australia. These Grants are another step towards promoting positive health and wellbeing in our communities to reduce the rate of suicide.

Quotes attributable to Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention Nadia Clancy

Suicide is complex and there are many factors that contribute to suicidal distress, but with the right supports, many suicides are preventable.

That is why it is so important to fund community-driven projects that strengthen, support and protect the mental wellbeing of South Australians and prevent suicide.

By raising awareness, breaking down stigma, increasing connection and responding compassionately, we can save lives.

Quotes attributable to Wellbeing SA Executive Director of Mental Health and Wellbeing Nicole Keller

Wellbeing SA is extremely proud to provide grant funding for communities to take action to strengthen mental wellbeing and resilience and reduce the risk of suicide.

In past rounds, the Grants have been instrumental in shining a light on positive ways communities can reach and support one another.

This has been done in a number of ways, including music and dramatic performances, art exhibitions, local community awareness campaigns, cultural events, camps and expeditions, evidence-based training, and community sporting activities.

Media Contact
Jemma Chapman 0419 805 163


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