Grants to support mental wellbeing for young South Australians

A $180,000 State Government grant fund to support the mental health and wellbeing of young South Australians opens today.

Human Services Minister Nat Cook says with mental health showing up as significant concern for regional youth, groups in those areas are especially encouraged to apply.

The grant round seeks to increase support for young South Australians through community-based and non-clinical initiatives, with consideration being given to initiatives targeting regional and remote locations.

Eligible organisations can apply for up to $15,000 to deliver initiatives across the state.

The SA Youth Action Plan – Youth Mental Wellbeing grant round responds to a recent consultation, which identified mental health and wellbeing as the biggest area of concern for young people and other key stakeholders.

Almost 900 responses were received, 83 per cent of which were from young people aged 12 to 25. The feedback will inform the new SA Youth Action Plan, which is being led by the Department of Human Services.

Around a fifth of young people who responded highlighted a need for more mental health support in general. This rose to more than a quarter of young people in regional or remote locations saying they wanted to see more support in this area.

Young people said they prefer local mental health supports where they feel safe to express how they feel with someone who understands their environment, which is why this grant funding specifically targets peer-to-peer initiatives.

They also raised that affordability and availability are the biggest barriers for accessing mental health support.

Applications for SA Youth Action Plan – Youth Mental Wellbeing grant close on 5 February 2024.

Successful applicants will be announced during SA Youth Week between 15 and 24 March 2024, alongside the release of the new SA Youth Action Plan.

Visit for more information.

Quotes attributable to Nat Cook

We’re building a new SA Youth Action Plan to ensure our young people have access to the opportunities, resources and supports they need to thrive in our state.

This grant round is a direct response to the feedback received from diverse voices of young people across SA, who told us loud and clear that mental health and wellbeing is a priority. And we know that young people in the regions are faced with additional pressures including opportunities and a sense of isolation.

The State Government’s committed $180,000 to this once-off grant round, as there is a genuine opportunity to improve youth mental wellbeing. I encourage organisations across the state with innovative ideas to apply now.

Quotes attributable to Premier's Advocate for Suicide Prevention Nadia Clancy MP

When I speak with young people in our community, mental health and wellbeing is raised more than any other issue.

I am so pleased these grants will be used to provide local, peer to peer support that young people have asked for through this consultation process.

These grants will support young South Australians by helping to address the challenges they are facing, strengthening protective factors, and building capacity for their future.

Media Contact
Catherine Bauer 0478 855 367


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